Dr. Deborah Hart
deborah.hart[at]kcl.ac.ukDeborah is a genetic epidemiologist by training and has managed several large-scale population cohorts. Before working at the DTR she set up and co-ordinated the Chingford 1000 Women Study, a longitudinal cohort into the natural history and genetics of musculoskeletal disease.
Deborah has been Executive Director of TwinsUK since 2009. She set up data sharing and governance processes which has led TwinsUK to share data and samples with over 800 collaborators, resulting in around 100 publications a year. She also set up our Voluntary Advisory Panel of twin volunteers.
Deborah oversees the day to day aspects of running TwinsUK including operations, ethics and governance, cohort attrition, dissemination and engagement, budgets and staffing. She is also responsible for maintaining our core funding.